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Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center

Rheumatology & Metabolic Bone Disease & Osteoporosis Specialists located in Wyomissing, PA

Your risk of osteoporosis increases as you get older, affecting an estimated 5% of men and 24% of women aged 65 and older. Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, offers comprehensive care for osteoporosis, including an individualized risk assessment, state-of-the-art DEXA screening and diagnosis in the office, and a customized treatment plan to prevent or reverse bone loss. If you have questions about osteoporosis or need to schedule an appointment, call the office today.

Osteoporosis Q & A


What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis develops when you lose bone mass, resulting in weak, brittle bones. Throughout adulthood, your bones remodel, a process in which they continuously eliminate old and damaged bone and replace it with new, healthy bone.

Without preventive measures, osteoporosis develops as you get older because new bone formation slows down and doesn’t keep up with natural bone loss. 


Am I at risk of developing osteoporosis?

Though men develop osteoporosis, women have a significantly higher risk after menopause. When estrogen production stops, women rapidly lose bone mass.

The risk of developing osteoporosis increases if you have:

  • Low levels of vitamin D
  • Low levels of calcium
  • A history of using corticosteroids
  • Low levels of estrogen
  • Low testosterone (hypogonadism)
  • A thyroid hormone imbalance

Many inflammatory types of arthritis are treated with a corticosteroid called prednisone. As a result, the team at Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center often prevents or treats steroid-induced osteoporosis. They also focus on detecting and treating osteoporosis in men.


What symptoms develop if I have osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis seldom causes symptoms until your bones are so weak that they fracture. Healthy bones break when they’re exposed to a significant force or trauma.

By comparison, bones weakened by osteoporosis easily break from minimal force, causing a type of fracture called a fragility fracture. 

Osteoporosis also increases your risk of developing a vertebral compression fracture. Compression fractures occur when one or more vertebrae collapse because they’re too weak.


How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center is fully equipped with an on-site dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) imaging machine that allows the team to screen for and diagnose osteoporosis.

The DEXA scan uses a tiny dose of radiation to reveal bone loss. Following a DEXA scan, the team at Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center can determine your risk of developing osteoporosis and create a plan to prevent the problem.

They also combine DEXA with your office appointment, so you can get a quick diagnosis and start treatment for osteoporosis.


How is osteoporosis treated?

Treatment for osteoporosis typically begins with prescription medication, such as bisphosphonates that slow down and prevent bone loss. After menopause, you can also prevent osteoporosis with hormone replacement therapy.

You may also need to make dietary changes or take supplements to ensure you get the calcium and vitamin D needed to build new bone. Finally, engaging in weight-bearing exercise also helps manage or prevent bone loss.

If you need preventive screening or ongoing management for osteoporosis, call Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center to book an appointment.